Portfolio of projects you can control

Knowing, when, what, who and how much is key. Work offers you real time views over all your portfolio and project budgets so you are in control at all times.

Master your portfolios now

Master your financials

Gain a global view of enterprise portfolio and project budgets, whether you want to check real time status or overall performance.

Define & configure

Create and organise your portfolios, assign projects and allocate budgets which can later be modified as needed.

Snapshot budget status

Colour-coded bar diagrams for each project and portfolio allow you to see at a glance what’s on track, over or within budget.


Maintain portfolio privacy with Work and control the portfolio management team that has access to them.

Custom portfolio planning

Tailor your portfolios by adding multiple levels and creating sub-portfolios to accommodate the portfolio structure you require.

Optimal visualisation

View your portfolio projects as a list or a timeline for real time snapshot reports on your project objectives.

Simple and flexible project planning

Work adapts to your style and scale making it easy to plan simple to sophisticated projects. Visual workflow planning allows you to efficiently steer and track your projects throughout their lifecycles to achieve optimal results.

Start Planning Better Now

Gantt Plan

Communicate your project plan visually for a global view on workflow and progress. Track project performance, task progress and deliverables proactively.

Kanban Plan

Get a real time snapshot of your agile project planning. Keep a pulse on team performance and take action directly to improve productivity.

List Plan

Create, organise and keep track of all personal and assigned tasks with a clear view on priorities and progress.


Define whether tasks depend on the completion of others to finetune priorities, and easily identify and solve any delays in the pipeline.

Workload & Effort Planning

Plan workload and effort according to current availability data for optimal allocation of your project resources.


Create and assign tasks defining deadlines, objectives, collaborators and planned effort; so team members always have a clear view of overall workloads and priorities.

Team collaboration for the win

Cerri helps synchronize your teams in an environment that’s easy to adopt by everyone. With our effective communication tools, teams stay informed, focused, productive and accountable.

Start Feeling More Aligned

Total team alignment

Share projects, files, assignments, goals, feedback and more with internal and external teams without needing dedicated environments or training.

Permission controls

Collaborate and share project content with external customers and suppliers with complete control over who can access specific information and files.

Shared projects and tasks

Assign common projects. Create shared tasks and deadlines. Improve accountability and accomplishments towards common goals


Stay updated on the details of any item in the system. Select which notifications you wish to receive to avoid information overload.

Feedback & comments

Give and receive instant feedback by commenting directly on shared projects, tasks or files.

Single repository

No more multi-channel communication with team members needed with all content, comments and relevant files/emails organized in a single repository for all to access.

Task management that keeps you on track

Work helps you stay on top of your assignments and focus on the work that needs to get done so you never miss another deadline. Create, assign and schedule personal or shared tasks and let the system keep track and notify you of progress.

Start Hitting Deadlines Now


Whether in the cloud or on-premise, your files will always be available with full protection from hacking and data-loss; added to deep backup and restore.


Know how much work is on your plate at all times with real time progress updates as Cerri tracks what percentage of total work is completed.


Collaborate on shared tasks by sending comments, sharing files/links and tracking progress directly within tasks so team members are informed and updated in real time.

Single file repository

Say goodbye to file searching among endless versions in email chains; relevant documents/emails/images are stored directly within tasks for fast, easy access at all times.

Report progress

No last minute surprises with Work as it provides real time progress updates on personal and assigned tasks and gives a global view of task status and any delays.


Assign tasks to yourself and to team members and keep track of them separately or filter by team members for more specific overviews.

All tasks listed

View all tasks including those you created and assigned as lists you can custom organise, filter and group as needed.

Timeline view

A visual timeline format allows you to get a snapshot on task progress and status against one another.


Interactive agenda that allows you to plug in or directly create tasks into desired calendar time slots and validate these to automatically update your timesheets.

Effortless expense control

Work makes it easy to track your expenses and understand what impact they have on your projects and portfolios in real time.

Track project expenses better now

Expense reports

View actual expenses per project and person in real time and keep a clear view of when and how any extra or unplanned expenses are generated.

Custom expense types

Create a customized classification standard for company expense types relevant to your corporation.

View your expenses

Keep track of all the expenses you generate and their approval status; ready for review at any time.

Track project expenses

Register and classify expense information directly into related projects for a clear view of overall project expenses.

Expense approval

Expense approval option allows for review and approval/rejection of all project-related expenses for stricter control.

Document expense proof

Attach and store expense related receipts for transparency and stricter cost control.

Time tracking that keeps you on track

Stop wasting endless hours logging in and reporting time and spend them getting on with your workload instead. Work’s simple, intuitive system avoids you duplicating information and updates all your data in real time, so you can focus on being more productive.

Start Using Your Time Better Now

Effortless logging

Timesheet provides ready lists of your active tasks to select from, automatically suggests time from your Scheduler and logs time directly from your task cards for greater efficiency and accuracy.

Create tasks on the go

Add a new task directly into your timesheet to log hours without having to switch between apps. Let Work automatically do all the necessary updates for you.

Progress reporting

Real time updates across the system mean changes to your timesheets are reflected over all apps so that project and task progress are always up to date.

Track effort

Weekly and daily timesheets offer detailed insight on overall effort planning and performance per task and project over time for yourself and stakeholders.

Put value on time

Work connects time tracking with internal and billable rates for seamless review of task and project effort related costs.

Add notes to your logs

Avoid information cluttering by sharing your comments or any important fact linked to a time log, by simply adding a comment where necessary for your manager’s or your attention.

Track your timesheets

View all your timesheets and see at a glance what needs to be submitted and what’s been approved or declined and needs editing.

Timesheet approval

Select which users must submit timesheets for review and approval/refusal by their managers.

Timesheet reports

Quickly access global views on your team’s timesheets by resource, project or period.

Content and file management you can count on

Effortlessly organize and share your project and task content and files so you always have instant, easy access to the information you need from anywhere.

Store, Secure, Organize & Share Now

Content consolidation

Centralize access to any information from integrated applications without duplicating data and put an end to wasted time searching for files and content.

Controlled access

Protect your content from unauthorized access and control the files that specific users can view, edit and create on the project level role-based permissions you can alter any time.

Any file type, any storage system

Manage, store, share and preview any file type or link without restriction. Use whichever file storage system preferred or required by your internal and external teams.

Large/specialized files

Easily share, transfer and store files that require more memory and bandwidth without having to use an external transfer service.

Collaborative workflows

Team collaborators will be notified in real time of any updated content or file uploads in shared projects and tasks.

Enterprise-level security and backups

Whether in the cloud or on-premise, your files will be available as long as you need with full protection from hacking and data-loss, plus deep backup and restore.

Resource planning that drives performance

Work allows you to create and manage all your resource data in a single, organised repository. All relevant data on your human, material and generic resources allows for optimal allocation according to availability, performance and cost.

Use your resources more productively now

All data in one place

All resource data is organised and accessible at the click of a button so you have a clear picture of your current resource options at all times.

Plan by availability

Availability according to workload and time off are updated automatically to help you manage your resources with optimal efficiency.

Track costs

Rates are linked to resources to keep track of internal resource costs against your project budget in real time or to report and invoice billable hours.

Human resources

Create detailed profiles for your existing human resource including their corporate and contact info, as well as their costs/rates, availability and skills.

Material resources

Register all non-human resources used in the completion of your projects; classify complex machinery to materials to accessories, and freely define units of quantity to suit your needs.

Generic resources

Create generic resources for roles/skills/positions that you can assign temporarily to tasks, and then replace once you know who the person will be.

Real time status reporting for optimal project execution

Work offers instant progress snapshots and real time status reports so you always have a pulse on your projects and performance, allowing you to react and take action if needed to keep your project execution on track for success.

Start using reporting for better results now

Snapshot project progress

Filter, organise, sort and hide project data to get an instant snapshot of your complete project list and overall progress according to your preferred criteria.

Extract status reports

Extract relevant reports of task and project progress to excel or pdf by selecting what information you want displayed.

Task progress

Compare task progress by tracking actual effort against planned effort in real time, and spot the source of any delays.

Waterfall progress tracking

Get a clear vision of overall project progress and performance via your Gantt; keep track of individual tasks and deliverables to spot potential delays and bottlenecks.

Agile progress tracking

Get an instant pulse on your project status via Kanban for proactive troubleshooting and flexible adaptation.

Actual vs. Planned

Compare actuals and forecasts on your preferred progress baseline to establish whether your project is on track or requires you to take action.

Flexible hosting and secure data

Collaborate with peace of mind that your information is protected against cyber intrusions and data loss with Work’s best-in-class security methods, whether on-premise or in the cloud. Security is one of Work’s fundamental features, playing an intrinsic role in the development process.

Secure cloud

Hosted on Microsoft Azure, Work offers you a secure SQL database server, SSL usage, and multiple certified data centres.

Very secure private cloud

Your own dedicated environment hosted on Work’s secure server network.

On your servers

Host Work behind your company firewall to meet regulatory compliance standards and for maximum security and control.

Need some help convincing IT?

Security is one of the founding pillars of Work and plays an intrinsic role in the development process of the software.

Are you ready to try Work for free?

We are constantly improving our platform to make your job easier, and adding new apps based on your feedback. Be among the first to discover Work, and help us to build the best project collaboration solution for you.

Why Wait? Try Work Now