
Features – Cerri Project

Project Features
Key Features
Portfolio Dashboard
Quickly identify trouble areas thanks to Cerri Project’s portfolio dashboard that allows you to monitor critical portfolio elements including issues, schedules, deliverables, risks and metrics.
Portfolio Budget Planning
Monitor real time budget statuses as Cerri Project automatically tracks all planned and actual costs across your project portfolio.
Consolidated Portfolio View
View your entire project portfolio and gain visibility on ongoing project status and progress indicators like, budgets, workloads, and actuals.
Key Performance Indicators
Effectively align projects to your corporate strategy using Cerri Project’s Key Performance Indicators. This KPI module is designed to translate your organisation’s mission and business strategies into performance measures and operating objectives.
Project Creation
Simplify project creation and ensure your team follows organisational guidelines and project management practises.
Gantt Chart
Schedule, manage tasks and plan projects better by visually planning and modifying them.
Multi-Project Gantt Chart
Maintain a global overview of the progress and timelines of multiple projects at once.
Project Charter
Build a comprehensive project charter that allows you to detail and share project objectives and mission critical data related to your project.
Project Monitoring Dashboards
Monitor project progress thanks to detailed dashboards summarising essential project indicators and statistics.
Tailored Project Tracking
Configure your project and task tracking dashboards to reflect the unique needs of your team and stakeholders.
Personal Project Tracking
Stay on top of your own work progress with personal dashboards.
Microsoft Project Integration
Export and import plans from or to Microsoft Project.
Resource Allocation
Monitor and analyse resource workload thanks to a complete set of views, dashboards and charts provided by Cerri Project.
Time Off and Absence Management
Track availability, time off and absences centrally thanks to Cerri Project’s unavailability management capabilities.
Resource Advanced Search
Enhance your staffing processes with Cerri Project. Quickly search resources by skill and availability, then drill down to specific information about each person, including competences and individual calendars.
Resource Workload Tracking
Benefit from Cerri Project’s workload management and workload analysis features. Gain global visibility on resource availability and distribution of work across multiple projects leading to a more optimised and productive project workforce, thanks to resource charts and reports.
Centralised Management of Project Resources
Improve project administration thanks to Cerri Project’s centralised project resource management.
Weekly Resource Schedule Analysis
Manage any kind of project by resource, client, project or activity.
Weekly Workload Scheduler
Schedule when resources are expected to work on their tasks by taking into account their availability.
Project Expenses
Input project expenses directly into corresponding projects for better and more accurate monitoring of all project expenses.
Timesheet Entries
Easily log in time, add comments to your timesheets, and configure the timesheet approval process as automatic or requiring approval.
Resource Usage and Cost
Obtain a complete and up to date overview of resource usage and costs per project.
Project Cost and Budget Management
Keep a clear and accurate picture of budget status as well as an overview of any discrepancies.
Project Cost and Rate Management
Get an accurate overview of your costs.
Cash Flow
Know your required cash flow for each project period (months or weeks).
Project Request
Easily collect project requests for review and evaluation with the aid of configurable forms and workflows.
Project Request Prioritisation
Know which project initiatives will be the most beneficial to your organisation whether you follow a stage and gate process or not.
Review Project Requests
Decide which project requests should become projects by reviewing initiatives and defining rankings and priorities.
New Product Development Pipeline Tracking
Get an accurate view of your NPD project pipeline thanks to configurable evaluation criteria.
Transformation of Standard Milestones into Gates
Easily configure standard project milestones to support your gated process and project phase review methodology.
Approval Workflow Leverage and Configuration
Benefit from pre-built stage review project workflows that can be configured to meet your organisation’s approval and gated process
Centralised Document Management
Integrate all your project documents into the reference system, whatever their format.
Dynamic Project Documentation
Attach files and comments to any piece of information and create a discussion thread.
Document Review and Approval
Easily collaborate with team members on project documents and empower users to define any revision/approval process.
Document Classification
Classify all your documents and link related documents.
Cerri Project Live! Collaboration Platform
Benefit from an integrated collaboration platform that leverages the best in team collaboration and social media.
External Collaboration
Assimilate users outside of your organisation for effective collaboration, performance and response.
Automatic Notifications
Improve communication by creating notification distribution lists for every available document type.
Process and Workflow Support
Define workflows internally in order to automate and support your business processes.
Automatic Email Notification
Receive notifications for any new task assignments or for any modifications made to your existing assignments.
Risk Management
Increase your chances of project success by having project team members contribute to the risk register for a project.
Change Management
Estimate the impact that implementing or not implementing changes will have on a project.
Project Issue Tracking
Allow stakeholders to submit issue reports and keep track of pending issues within a project.
Help Desk
Improve customer experience and the performance of your support staff with an inter-project help desk system.
Project Dashboards and Charts
Access 100% configurable project dashboards containing only the views or graphics you want.
Project Analytics
Drill down into your data for better tracking of your projects and portfolios.
Exporting to Microsoft Excel
Export any Cerri Project view to Microsoft Excel.
Predefined Views
Access predefined project dashboards and views and create and store your own customised project charts.
Configurable Views
Rearrange views so that data is displayed the way you want.
Workflow in Cerri Project Live
Manage your workflows and engage users with defined project workflows that adhere to your organisation’s project approval process.
Define your Own Workflow
Define workflows necessary to comply with your business processes and organisational requirements.
Business Rules
Create business rules for your workflow engine.
Phase Review Support
Access standard business process workflows that can adapt to any approval and gated process.
Keywords and Labels
Customise keywords, labels and drop down menus according to your business language.
Configurable Navigation
Adapt Cerri Project’s navigation for different user groups.
Open Rest API
Easily integrate Cerri Project with your current enterprise applications.
Microsoft Project Integration
Import and synchronise your Microsoft Project plans into Cerri Project.
Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Integration
Access all of Cerri Project’s features from your Lotus Notes platform thanks to a seamless and direct integration between the two software.
Integration with SAP Applications
Maximise transparency and data consistency thanks to a network-wide integration with your SAP® Applications.
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  • Features
    Gantt Chart Planning
    Simplify projects with visual planning.
  • Solutions
    Industry Solutions
    Agriculture & Food
    Maximize agricultural productivity and food safety by leveraging targeted project management strategies to enhance operational efficiency and compliance.
    Energy & Utilities
    Use information technology, improve operations and automate business processes to expand your market share in an evolving industry.
    Financial Services & Insurance
    Address the needs of your industry stakeholders while keeping your eyes on the bottom line and adhering to regulatory compliance.
    Keep your eyes on the bottom line while adhering to compliance and government regulations in order to excel in a highly demanding project environment.
    Higher Education
    Maintain your competitive advantage in the marketplace by seeking out the best technological strategies to grow your organization and services for your students and staff.
    Increase margins and profitability across all manufacturing sectors by leveraging the economies of scale made possible by globally dispersed teams and facilities.
    Professional Services
    Offer customers better visibility and transparency in the sharing of project information while keeping your eyes on the bottom line and delivering competitive service to them.
    Public Sector & Non-Profit
    Enhance collaboration and visibility across the project life-cycle improving demand management, resource utilization, and documents.
    Retail (Consumer Goods)
    Enhance retail operations and consumer satisfaction by adopting integrated project management solutions that ensure product quality, optimize supply chains, and improve market responsiveness.
    Harness advanced project management tools to drive efficiency and maximize ROI in your R&D investments within the rapidly evolving IT sector.
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